How to avoid Cancer cells development?

Junk foods contain a lot of nitrates and nitrites that prevent it from spoiling and improved its long lasting, but when they are in touch with other body compounds are transferred into n-nitroso compounds and nitrosamides that are the real cause of cancer cells development. So, people who consume this kind of food regularly are overexposed on cancer risk.

How to avoid nitrate-filled foods? If you want to make your own self-protection of cancer, then stop eating processed food and food that contain cured meats, such as sausages and hotdogs.

• Always check the nutritional facts of the products, its label and make sure about the levels of potassium and sodium nitrates and nitrites.

• Some beans, canned vegetables or packaged seafood can contain the same dangerous chemicals.

• Drink plenty of water.

• Eat organic food.

• Make detoxification of the body.

• Consume vitamin C every day.

• Make sure your diet is healthy and rich in antioxidants.

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